I'm Arlind. Welcome aboard.



Backend Developer


Project Manager

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.” - Rumi

Work Experience

Lucky Media

CEO 2014-Present

Managing the administrative tasks within the company to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Cooperating with clients and offering solutions to their business needs. Doing actual back-end programming and assisting team members to overcome their hurdles. Helping interns to understand the logic behind programming and motivate them for professional development.

Youth Empowerment Platform

President 2016-Present

My core task is to be active, motivated and committed. This positive energy is transferred to the younger members and they use it to implement various projects and activities. Every Saturday we organize meetings and I try to motivate the youth to become leaders of our society. I manage different youth groups (mainly highschool students) and assist their self development.

Alumni at SEE University

Executive Person 2012-2022

Chosen as the head executive person of the alumni of South East European University. My task was to promote the alumni organization to students, have them register and explain the benefits. We organize different career fairs to help students get hired.

Dituria - Foundation of science and culture

Manager 2010-2012

Manage all the events within the foundation. Some of them are: “Dituria” magazine, English course, scientific lectures and organizing weekly meetings with the members. Members are usually preeminent undergraduate students that want to become involved in many beneficial projects for the society.



  • PHP and Laravel

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Motivational Speaker

  • Leading Skills

  • Fluent in 3 languages

  • Moderate in 2 languages


Linnaeus University

Master Degree / Social Media & Web Technologies 2012-2016

The programme focuses on the design and development of social media tools and services using the web and mobile technologies. It offers in-depth understanding of online communities and the technical environments in which they interact.

South East European University

Bachelor Degree / Business Informatics 2009-2012

Business Informatics provides students with a thorough understanding and knowledge from the field of Business and Computer Sciences, and at the same time prepares students for leadership positions in organizations throughout the world.


Valedictorian at SEE University

Valedictorian of my generation 2009-2012

Chosen as the Valedictorian of South East European University during my bachelor studies for Business Informatics. The award was given to students with the highest GPAs of all faculties, and as the highest of them I was chosen the Valedictorian and gave a speech at the ceremony.

Top Albanian Students in the Country

Top 5 best student 2012

As part of the ceremony organized by FRI NGO of North Macedonia, I was chosen as one of the best students in the country. The best student was chosen from each university in the country. I was proud to represent my university and get the award.

CST CUP and Bit magazine

Project Manager / Editor-in-Chief 2012

Motivated a group of fellow students to organize the first CST CUP at SEE University. It involed the creation of groups consisting a student from each programme within the Contemporary Sciences and Technologies Faculty.
We started the publishing of the first Computer Science magazine, called Bit, at our SEE University.

What I love doing

A modern day programmer

We need to change and adapt with every moment that passes. We can clearly see that the world is rapidly changing and we use technology almost everywhere. As programmers, we need to understand that we cannot let ourselves behind this constant evolution. What we know today and use during our daily work, will probably become obsolete very soon. Our duty is to stay in touch with the rapid changes around us and learn new technologies.

and a friendly manager

Each individual is a world in itself. We need to understand that when we meet a person, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t exist before that meeting. Thus, we need to treat each employee as a person, with a special character, having different needs and dreams. That’s the only way to inspire, motivate and guide employees to success. My aim is not to command, but to lend a hand.

Latest posts

My writings are usually extracts from live discussions with people for various topics. I believe that I have a gift for explaining complex issues and make stuff understandable for most people. Have a look at my content and let me know what you think about it. Enjoy!

Have a project in mind?

I’m passionate about providing innovative, bright ideas and execute them into a wonderful experience. I would love to discuss more details in a meeting.

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